How to check and unblock an IP via WHM?

 Posted by Sakshita

How to Check and Unblock an IP via WHM?

Suppose, you have changed your password a day before but at the time of accessing Webmail you are trying to login with the previous one. After several attempts you have thrown out, as system will treat it as an unauthorized access and thus blocked your IP. This means, you cannot login to your Webmail with the particular IP Address. Now, what will you do?
As we all know that, WHM has several features to manage the cPanel accounts.Among all, one of the feature is ConfigServer Security & Firewall, that allows user to manage the security and prevent cPanel accounts from unauthorized access.

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This interface allows user to manage firewall settings and keep server secure. Now here are the steps with which you can check and unblock IP Address via WHM.
  • Login to your WHM reseller account.
Reselerr Management tool
  • Click over Plugins section, and then select ConfigServer Security and Firewall.
WHM Featue List Page
  • You will be directed to another page. Here, enter the IP Address that you want to unblock in the section as directed in below image.
  • Click over Quick Unblock to unblock the IP Address. 

Hope this may help you !
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