How to fix the WordPress website redirection error?

Posted by Sakshita

How to fix website redirection error?

Sometimes, you enter your WordPress website URL in the address bar but your website is directing to other URL.This is website redirection. It is because of some modification that you have done or has happened mistakenly. There can be many reasons for website redirection. So, in order to fix the issue we should go through various steps. 

Errors related to cPanel

Let's see what are the various checks that need to perform to fix website redirection error in your WordPress website. But before proceeding further let me tell you that I'm using web hosting services of REDSERVERHOST, where I have one-click Installer enabled feature that help me to install any type of web software and CMS software as per my requirement. 

If you are using WordPress website and facing the redirection error then you should follow these steps to fix the issue.

Step 1. From WordPress Admin Panel.

✧ Login to your WordPress dashboard.
✧ Get into Settings section and then select General.

WordPress Dashboard

✧ In General Settings, check WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL). Both  URL should be same.

WordPress Settings

If the both WordPress URL and Site URL is not same then do the correction and fix it.

Step 2. From File Manager inside cPanel.

a. By modifying wp-config.php file.

✧ Login to your cPanel account and get into File Manager section.

✧ Get inside domain directory where you have installed WordPress and select
wp-config.php file.

File Manager

✧ Right click over the file and then select Edit.
✧ Check for the following two variables, i.e wp_Home and wp_SiteURL. Both these variables should have same value as given in image. 

wp-config.php file

✧ If both have the same value then OK. If not then fix it and then click over Save Changes.

b. By modifying .htaccess file

✧ In the domain directory of WordPress, select .htaccess file.
✧ Right click over the file and then select Edit.

File Manager

✧ Check the code as given in below image. 

.htaccess file

✧ If the code is correct as mentioned, then OK. If not then you do need to re-code it just rename the file.

Here, I've used the cPanel interface of REDSERVERHOST to explain the procedure.

Step 3. From php MyAdimn.

✧ Get inside php MyAdmin in cPanel.
Features of cPAnel

✧ Select the database associated with your WordPress website in the left panel list.
✧ Click over the table named wp_options and proceed.



✧ Select option name siteurl and home and scroll down and click over Edit.



✧ The URL should be same in both the option name. If its is not so then fix it and then click over GO.

 * I have used domain to illustrate the procedure. You can replace it with your domain name. 

The  above mentioned steps would be applicable if your website is redirecting to your other domain. You can try these steps to fix and resolve website redirection error of your WordPress website. But if does not work then you should contact your hosting provider as soon as possible.

Hope this may help you to understand various methods to fix website redirection issue. You can learn more about web hosting services and its features with given articles.

Happy Reading!   
