How to Solve “Connection Refused Timeout Error” in FileZilla?

Posted by Sakshita

Solve "Connection Refused Timeout Error" in FileZilla

FileZilla is a free FTP client that allows user to manage website files and directories without being login to cPanel account. There are articles related to FTP and FileZilla that help you to learn more about them. 
One thing is of sure that whenever we used to do any task, mistakes can be done. In FileZilla, also, some error occurs by mistake. 
Today, in this article I will share about one of the error that can be occurred in FTP Client, FileZilla. When we used to connect FileZilla, there is an error occurred called "Connection Refused Timeout Error".
Let us learn the procedure in detail to fix the error.
  • Login to FileZilla.
  • Click over Edit and then select Settings.
  • A window will appear as shown in the below image. Click over Active Mode under FTP section.
  • Fill the Lowest and Highest available ports as given in the the image and then click OK.
  • Now, again click over Settings in the Edit option.
  • This time, click over Passive mode under FTP option.
  • Select the option Fall back to active mode and then OK.
  • Now, go to Files and click over Site Manager.

  • A window will appear. Enter the account credentials that are required to login.
  • Then go to Transfer Settings tab. 
  • Click over Active option and then check maximum number of simultaneous connections.
*The maximum number of simultaneous connections is 1.
  • After configuring all the settings, click OK.
You can now connect to the FTP Account without facing an error.
Hope the article helped you to fix "Connection Refused Timeout Error" related to FTP and do your work conveniently. To learn more about the solutions related to errors in managing your website data and files, read more articles at

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