How to Access or Deny Any cPanel Service for IP/IPs via WHM?

Access or Deny Services via WHM

WHM is the management panel for the users using resellers, VPS and Dedicated hosting services, but features vary according to the plan and service provider. WHM has so many features that helps user not only to manage the hosted cPanel accounts but also to manage the services that a hosted account has. 
Some of such features are IP Functions, DNS Functions, Restart Services etc. I've written articles on the topics related to same. You can also visit the blog at
Today, I'm sharing an article that illustrates about one of the feature of WHM, i.e Host Access Control. This interface allows user to manage the server and services based on IP Addresses that are used by the hosted accounts by setting up specific rules. That is why, the topic of today's article is how to access or deny any cPanel service for IP/ IPs via WHM.
Let us go through the detailed procedure to manage cPanel services for IP Addresses via WHM.
  • Login to WHM with root privileges.
  • Get inside Security Center section.
  • List of features will appear. Select Host Access Control.
  • On the next page, the explanation about the feature is mentioned with procedure to access or deny any cPanel services based on IP address by setting up specific rules.
This feature allows user to manage services like SSH, FTP, WHM, Webmail, SMTP, IMAP, POP3, Web Disk etc. User can give access and deny IP Address or a range of IP Addresses by setting up the rules.
  • Fill the required credentials in the box as directed in the columns.Refer to the below image.
Daemon: In this section, enter or select the service for which you want to allow or deny the IP/ IPs.
Access List: Enter the IP Address or range of IP Addresses that you wish to allow/ deny the access.
Action: Enter the action, i.e deny/allow.
  • Scroll down to bottom and then click over Save Host Access List.
That's it !

With the above given procedure you can successfully manage any cPanel service that are based on IP Address via WHM. It is mandatory for WHM user to have root privileges. There are other articles based on management of IP Addresses from WHM at blog of REDSERVERHOST.

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